Not really sure what's been going on the last few weeks. I can't bear to think how much disappointment I might have provoked through my idleness. At a guess likely very little, but that's the very reason I can't bear the thought. Oh, to be vital. Oh, to apostrophise without sounding like a nut job.
Less of that. Couple of us went to see the fake Carousel last night. Missed them, so couldn't comment on the music but apparently they made mention of their being the ringer. Good lads. Good venue, too. Remote: yes. But decent rum at a reasonable price in a space with a lot of head room and foot space is worth a walk. Comedy toilets. The aftermath is murkily remembered but standard procedures require little expansion when reflecting like this, to you.
With regards to goings on of relevance, music is developing nicely - as is our schedule. Smashing the gigs through September and the plan is to persist in this vein well into Michaelmas. There's a link somewhere on here to a place where you can have a look at what we got lined up and you'd be well advised to check your availability.
I'd love to say more but I'm feeling pretty latent right now. Something needs to be done about basketball being on the television, as well. Being the only one about, it falls on me to act. (Anyone who's read Hamlet knows the consequences of inaction: everyone dies.) Besides the tedium of the sport is the groan inducing teenager-in-a-music-lesson-style attitude to sound effects being pumped through the public address system. With this in mind, that is all.
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