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Monday, 29 August 2011


Does not this look better? A new, synchronised outlook means that, at last, the concept of joined-up governance takes on actual significance rather than simple, bullshit rhetoric. When Dave says we're all in this together, only fools he kids. We don't say it, because we're not liars - but at least now our various platforms have a level of consistent appearance that has been otherwise lacking.
Behold the revolutionary colour scheme. Clinical whites, dense blacks, smooth greys. Alright, revolutionary might be a bit strong of a word. But it's a definite departure from the amateur graphic setup boasted hereabouts previous.
Enjoy the integrated music playing platform. Not much to you, but I'm learning on my feet, here, and although pride isn't quite the word, I do feel a certain sense of achievement - even though I had Owen and the internet performing the navigatorial duties the whole way. Autoplay might get to you, but we're in no mood to compromise.

Now For Band News: Practice in Crash tonight has been cancelled because there are a load of Yanks and Japs in black mop wigs clogging up the access routes. To any neighbours reading this, I apologise in advance if we interrupt Hollyoaks. I'll give you a clue, though: a load of fitties nined-up in Burton/H&M gear discuss their made up emotions. Bring back Bomhead.

To God, whichever one is hot right now.

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